1. Help Center
  2. For vendors
  3. General information about Leanpay and the possibilities of using Leanpay

Benefits for the customer?

The buyer independently decides which means of payment he wants to use.

Different means have different advantages. The advantages of Leanpay service are as follows:


• By selecting the "Check your limit" option, the buyer finds out in advance what limit is available to him when using the Leanpay service, that is, for the purchase of goods and/or services.
• The process is fast, simple, and fully digital
• The customer can use the Leanpay service in the store or at home without going to the Bank and collecting paper
• Leanpay allows the client to increase the power cup at no extra cost

Leanpay allows the customer to view all costs at all times of the application process and through the personal user portal easily and quickly access the review of all their information