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  2. For buyers
  3. Repayment of obligations

What if there are no funds on my TRR to pay for the direct debit installment?

What if there are no funds on my TRR to pay for the direct debit installment?

Since the bank will charge me the costs of rejecting a direct debit order, it is certainly better to provide funds in the account on time under the credit agreement.

If this was not possible and a delay occurs, Leanpay has the right to charge costs and default interest under the credit agreement. Leanpay will notify the user of the delay by email and SMS.

In exceptional cases, when a direct debit has failed, Leanpay allows me to pay directly into the transaction account (TRR) Leanpay. In case it's necessary, as a user I can get instructions on how to pay for an installment on TRR after email communication with Leanpay (info@leanpay.com).


CAUTION: In case I successfully settle the missed payment within 3 days or less, the delay will not be recorded in Leanpay, and my creditworthiness will remain unchanged. In the event of prolonged delays, however, information about my payment (non) discipline affects future payment options and my credit card to the Sisbon credit register.

Leanpay reports on payments and past due payments as a member of the information exchange reported in the Sisbon credit register.