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Procedures - How do I use Leanpay as a vendor?
About Leanpay
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For buyers
Check your limit!
First installment with Leanpay
Data entry when applying for a loan
"My Leanpay" - the customer's personal portal
Repayment of obligations
Completed purchase, verified user, conclusion of credit agreement with Leanpay
Client verification
Terms and informational credit calculations
Cancellation of the loan and early repayment of the loan
Creditworthiness, Sisbon credit register, approval, and rejection
For vendors
Instructions for use
Procedures - How do I use Leanpay as a vendor?
General information about Leanpay and the possibilities of using Leanpay
Helping customers using Leanpay
Delivery verification process
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For vendors
Procedures - How do I use Leanpay as a vendor?
About Leanpay
All about Leanpay company
For buyers
Check your limit!
First installment with Leanpay
Data entry when applying for a loan
"My Leanpay" - the customer's personal portal
Repayment of obligations
Completed purchase, verified user, conclusion of credit agreement with Leanpay
Client verification
Terms and informational credit calculations
Cancellation of the loan and early repayment of the loan
Creditworthiness, Sisbon credit register, approval, and rejection
For vendors
Instructions for use
Procedures - How do I use Leanpay as a vendor?
General information about Leanpay and the possibilities of using Leanpay
Helping customers using Leanpay
Delivery verification process
For vendors
Here you can find answers to the most frequent questions if you are a vendor or an employee in a partner company.
Instructions for use
Issuing of a quote
Verification and confirmation of delivery of the purchase
Verification of Leanpay ID customers (Vf-App)
Cancel your purchase
Customer support on cancellation
User Administration
See more
Procedures - How do I use Leanpay as a vendor?
What if the buyer wants to pay off the loan early?
How to send a verification sheet to Leanpay?
How can I make a client an offer to pay in installments through Leanpay?
Are there written instructions for the process of preparing the offer for payment in installments?
I want to make an offer to the customer - but I can't find a link to the Leanpay app - where can I find it?
What does "Offer valid until" mean when preparing the offer?
Key information on Leanpay offer in one place
How do I identify and verify a customer?
How and when do I confirm the delivery of purchase or acceptance of an irrevocable order?
How do I know as a salesman that the payment in installments is granted?
Do I need to print a contract for the customer?
There is no "Verify" option in the transaction - how should I make a verification?
How long does the credit granting process take?
See more
General information about Leanpay and the possibilities of using Leanpay
Does Leanpay fund legal entities?
Benefits for the customer?
What does a customer need when paying through Leanpay?
What does a customer need to purchase Leanpay in a physical store?
How long does a valid ID have to be valid?
Can the buyer give his driving license as an IDENTITY?
What if the buyer does not have his e-mail address?
What if the buyer does not have a smartphone?
What are the age limits for customers?
Why would a customer pay with Leanpay instead of a credit card?
What are the costs compared to bank loans?
See more
Helping customers using Leanpay
What if the buyer wants to withdraw from the purchase?
What if the customer is wrong to fill in the data?
What is the cost to the buyer of the withdrawal?
What exactly is a "dependent family member"?
What to do if the buyer provided false information when filling out the application?
What if the credit is denied?
See more
Delivery verification process
100% digital - Leanpay in collaboration with DPD Slovenia
NEW - June 2021
100% digital - Leanpay in cooperation with Pošta Slovenije